Meet Freschetta’s Pizza Pallet-Stacking Robot

Fan voting on Instagram gifted a name to our Florence, Kentucky’s warehouse robot.

Early November 2023, Freschetta put out a call to the world: Help us name our Pizza Pallet-Stacking Robot! We have one of the hardest working robots in America, and frankly, they deserved a name for all the stacking they do, in service of the best pizza fans on the planet (We are talking about you, fellow Freschetta fan).

The naming contest on Instagram was fierce: Over 826 naming suggestions were submitted. Many beautiful names, including Sir Stack-a-Lot, Dough-Bot, Stacky McStackFace, Freschetta Fred, and Greg, were among the fan favorites.

Freschetta’s highly prestigious naming committee then met to decide a winner, based on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Appropriateness
  • Public opinion

At the end of the 7-day voting period, and after a lengthy and healthy committee discussion, we had a winner: Etta The Pizza Getter, Freschetta’s official Pizza Pallet-Stacking Robot. Etta pays homage to our old spokesperson from the early 1990s, Fresch Etta, and was suggested by @jenncliett.

For providing the winning name suggestion, @jenncliett won a year of free Freschetta pizza! Thanks to everyone who participated.